
Appropriation; Public Utilities Staff.

Legislative Session: 2013

First Floor Action: 2013-02-20

Principal Author: Frierson

Full Bill History Link: http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2013/pdf/history/HB/HB1672.xml


Video Action Summary

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02/20 (H) Passed

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02/26 (H) Transmitted To Senate

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03/14 (S) Amended

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03/19 (S) Returned For Concurrence

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03/20 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf

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03/26 (H) Conferees Named Frierson,Mettetal,Bounds

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03/27 (S) Conferees Named Clarke,Gollott,Butler (36th)

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03/31 (S) Conference Report Adopted

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04/01 (H) Conference Report Adopted